Warren Enright (Daryl Bartley): Jamie's sometime school friend. Jessica (Lihann Jones): Jamie's sometime girlfriend. Scott): Jamie's best friend and sometimes rival. Ida Mae Brindle (Alice Ghostley): Brandon's outspoken, know-it-all sister, who is nearly identical to his wife Bonnie. Written out after the second season after McClurg joined the cast of The Hogan Family, though Bonnie appears one more time in a third-season episode.
Bonnie Brindle (Edie McClurg): Harriet's mother and Brandon's wife. Becomes Ted Lawson's boss after stealing Ted's ideas. Brandon Brindle (William Bogert): Harriet's father. Vicki lives in a cabinet in Jamie's bedroom, and becomes more human-like over the course of the show. One recurring theme was that Vicki had a super-powered learning system which enabled her to improve something such as a new detergent or to greatly increase the gas mileage of cars, which Jamie often saw as a chance to get rich quick, only to find her improvements were not perfect. Somehow, she could also channel enough electricity through her hands to jump-start a car (or with more control, restart a person's heart after suffering a coronary). Occasionally Vicki had rare abilities that seemed to only appear in one or two episodes, such as elongating her neck to reach a door's peephole, shrinking her size to become as small as a doll or making herself ten feet tall to get noticed by everyone. Vicki attends school, and no one but her family members and a few trusted friends know her secret. She does manage to blend into the real world to a point. Vicki's artificial intelligence is not perfect she is incapable of emotion, speaks in a monotone voice and interprets most commands literally. #A small wonder show serial#
Vicki has an access panel in her back, an electric socket in her right armpit, and an RS-232 serial port under her left armpit. She possesses superhuman strength and speed and runs on atomic power. The robot was a Voice Input Child Identicant (V.I.C.I.), but was nicknamed Vicki.
Victoria 'Vicki' Ann Smith-Lawson (Tiffany Brissette): A robot modeled after a real human girl. Harriet Brindle (Emily Schulman): The nosy neighbors' daughter who has a crush on Jamie. Jamie Lawson (Jerry Supiran): The 10-year-old son of Ted and Joan. Joan, more than anyone else on the show, regards Vicki as a real person. Joan Lawson (Marla Pennington): Ted's wife and Jamie's mother. A robotics engineer who originally created the Vicki robot as a domestic servant with a female child's appearance. Ted Lawson (Dick Christie): Jamie's father, Joan's husband, and Vicki's creator. The cast of Small Wonder during the first season (Redirected from Vicki the Robot) Small Wonder Season 4, Episode 24: Thy Neighbor's Wife Season 4, Episode 18: Hooray for Hollyweird!
Season 3, Episode 24: When You Hear the Beep Season 3, Episode 18: The Russians are Coming, the Russians are Coming Season 3, Episode 17: Ronald McDonald House Season 3, Episode 14: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow Season 3, Episode 10: Breakfast of Criminals Season 3, Episode 8: The Lawsonville Horror Season 3, Episode 2: Everyone Into the Pool Season 3, Episode 1: Woodward and Bernstein Season 2, Episode 19: Victor/ Vicki-toria Season 2, Episode 18: Little Miss Shopping Mall Season 2, Episode 17: Matchmaker, Matchmaker Season 2, Episode 16: The Personality Kid
Season 2, Episode 10: You Gotta Have Heart Season 2, Episode 4: Here Comes the Judge Season 2, Episode 3: My Mother the Teacher Season 1, Episode 23: The Real Facts of Life Season 1, Episode 21: The Reluctant Halfback Season 1, Episode 19: The Company Takeover Season 1, Episode 9: Slightly Dishonorable Last Episode, :Season 4, Episode 24: Thy Neighbor's Wife