A small wonder show
A small wonder show

a small wonder show

  • Warren Enright (Daryl Bartley): Jamie's sometime school friend.
  • Jessica (Lihann Jones): Jamie's sometime girlfriend.
  • Scott): Jamie's best friend and sometimes rival.
  • Ida Mae Brindle (Alice Ghostley): Brandon's outspoken, know-it-all sister, who is nearly identical to his wife Bonnie.
  • Written out after the second season after McClurg joined the cast of The Hogan Family, though Bonnie appears one more time in a third-season episode.

    a small wonder show

  • Bonnie Brindle (Edie McClurg): Harriet's mother and Brandon's wife.
  • Becomes Ted Lawson's boss after stealing Ted's ideas.
  • Brandon Brindle (William Bogert): Harriet's father.
  • Vicki lives in a cabinet in Jamie's bedroom, and becomes more human-like over the course of the show. One recurring theme was that Vicki had a super-powered learning system which enabled her to improve something such as a new detergent or to greatly increase the gas mileage of cars, which Jamie often saw as a chance to get rich quick, only to find her improvements were not perfect. Somehow, she could also channel enough electricity through her hands to jump-start a car (or with more control, restart a person's heart after suffering a coronary). Occasionally Vicki had rare abilities that seemed to only appear in one or two episodes, such as elongating her neck to reach a door's peephole, shrinking her size to become as small as a doll or making herself ten feet tall to get noticed by everyone. Vicki attends school, and no one but her family members and a few trusted friends know her secret. She does manage to blend into the real world to a point. Vicki's artificial intelligence is not perfect she is incapable of emotion, speaks in a monotone voice and interprets most commands literally.

    #A small wonder show serial#

    Vicki has an access panel in her back, an electric socket in her right armpit, and an RS-232 serial port under her left armpit. She possesses superhuman strength and speed and runs on atomic power. The robot was a Voice Input Child Identicant (V.I.C.I.), but was nicknamed Vicki.

  • Victoria 'Vicki' Ann Smith-Lawson (Tiffany Brissette): A robot modeled after a real human girl.
  • Harriet Brindle (Emily Schulman): The nosy neighbors' daughter who has a crush on Jamie.
  • Jamie Lawson (Jerry Supiran): The 10-year-old son of Ted and Joan.
  • Joan, more than anyone else on the show, regards Vicki as a real person.
  • Joan Lawson (Marla Pennington): Ted's wife and Jamie's mother.
  • A robotics engineer who originally created the Vicki robot as a domestic servant with a female child's appearance.
  • Ted Lawson (Dick Christie): Jamie's father, Joan's husband, and Vicki's creator.
  • The cast of Small Wonder during the first season (Redirected from Vicki the Robot) Small Wonder Season 4, Episode 24: Thy Neighbor's Wife Season 4, Episode 18: Hooray for Hollyweird!

    a small wonder show

    Season 3, Episode 24: When You Hear the Beep Season 3, Episode 18: The Russians are Coming, the Russians are Coming Season 3, Episode 17: Ronald McDonald House Season 3, Episode 14: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow Season 3, Episode 10: Breakfast of Criminals Season 3, Episode 8: The Lawsonville Horror Season 3, Episode 2: Everyone Into the Pool Season 3, Episode 1: Woodward and Bernstein Season 2, Episode 19: Victor/ Vicki-toria Season 2, Episode 18: Little Miss Shopping Mall Season 2, Episode 17: Matchmaker, Matchmaker Season 2, Episode 16: The Personality Kid

    a small wonder show

    Season 2, Episode 10: You Gotta Have Heart Season 2, Episode 4: Here Comes the Judge Season 2, Episode 3: My Mother the Teacher Season 1, Episode 23: The Real Facts of Life Season 1, Episode 21: The Reluctant Halfback Season 1, Episode 19: The Company Takeover Season 1, Episode 9: Slightly Dishonorable Last Episode, :Season 4, Episode 24: Thy Neighbor's Wife

    A small wonder show